About Robby

Dr. Robby Gordon is a Hollywood-based artist best known for his post modern abstract art. Robby paints with oils and acrylics to create a fantasy of color. His paintings and sculptures reflect his feelings at a particular moment - be it joy, sorrow, empathy or pity – and are influenced by the ageless words of sages. He might contemplate a work for a long time before commencing.
Robby says: “I am a human. I see everything in an array of abstract colors and this creates the impression which becomes my fantasy in the creation...as my imagination is very vivid, I do not stay in the two dimensional world. I make my exit into the three dimensional world with no distinction between painting and sculpture... I plan my painting in my brain. I paint with my heart. I finish with my hands...I look in order to see. I see in order to focus. I focus in order to dream. I dream in order to create and paint “..
Robby’s works are a mixed media with overlapping layers of paint solidified on a non-adhesive surface which is peeled off and re-glued to create the three dimensional effect. His works denote a fondness for color and experimentation utilizing a wide variety of painting styles to reflect his inquisitive nature and his ongoing fascination with color and texture. His intense combinations of color and kinetic composition are intended to stimulate an emotional reaction. Robby wants the viewer to bring his own association to his creations. He considers the viewer’sinterpretation as important as his own.

Dr. Robby Gordon has created a clothing line known as “DARE TO WEAR BY ROBBY”. The collection includes hand painted neck ties, hats, shirts, jackets and shoes. Clients who have purchased his clothes have commented that othersremember them because of their uniquely painted garments. Some not only wear the clothing but hang it on the wall as an object of art. Installations of Robby’s clothing displayed as art will be found at the gallery.
Robby’s home in the Hollywood Hills is his gallery and is open for viewing by appointment. It consists of three stories of art covering every wall with painting, ceramics and glass. All 15 windows include hand painted decorative vertical blinds that go up and down by remote control and frame a magnificent view of downtown Los Angeles.
Dr. Gordon’s unique sculpture garden, also seen through the windows, features both his art as well as others and draws attention from tourist, hikers and locals who use it as the forefront when photographing downtown LA en route to the Hollywood Reservoir and Hollywood Sign.
Dr. Robby Gordon studied art at the University of California Irvine, Irvine Valley College and Golden West. He also studied in the University of Bologna and Ucla. He lived his first twenty one years in Israel and enjoyed living in Europe were he was studying and always very involved in the world of art.

I paint in order to look
I look in order to see
I see in order to focus
I focus in order to dream
I dream in order to create and paint
What the Bleep Do We Know!? (also written What tнe #$*! Dө ωΣ (k)πow!? and What the #$*! Do We Know!?) is a 2004 film which combines documentary-style interviews, computer-animated graphics, and a narrative that posits a spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness.

Movies that influenced
my paintings:

Zeitgeist, the Movie is a 2007 documentary film about alleged "social myths," including religion, 9/11 and the banking system

Peace Activities and Organizations:
Robby Gordon was born in Israel and lived there until the age of 21. He was active in the Peace Movement from the early age of 14. Afterwards, in the United States, he has been active in a whole array of the Peace Movement for the Middle East.
I have been the co-chair of the Cousins Club of Orange County since1988 and I have been on the board of Hope Flowers
I have been on the board of: The Israeli-Palestinian Confederation
I am active in the following organizations:


My family
Here I created a thin layer of paint, I printed on top a picture of my family and applied more colors or medium on top.

Sometimes the paint just crumbles
Helping the Community (below)
People who visit the gallery are immediately overwhelmed with an array of emotion and feeling coming awaymesmerized by the array of stimulations. For further information, refer to:
www.TheHollywoodGallery.com www.RobbyGordonArt.com.

Robby Gordon's Art Studio and Art Shows

A showing of my work at the LA Convention Center

Click below for a nice presentation
Eddy Mitchell and Melody Gardot: Over the Rainbow